Jul 30, 2018 09:36

Surbana Jurong’s asset management team snaps up three contracts

asset management Australia Flinders Ports Townsville Bulk Storage and Handling facility
Flinders Ports awarded SMEC a fifth project, to evaluate its Townsville Bulk Storage and Handling facility.

SMEC, a member of the Surbana Jurong Group, has won three asset management contracts in Australia.

A. The Asset Management team secured a fifth project with Flinders Ports following the successful delivery of four projects. The new scope covers Mobile Plant Asset Maintenance Work Instructions and Schedules, where SMEC will evaluate the maintenance strategy of mobile assets at the client’s Townsville Bulk Storage and Handling facility.

B. The Asset Management team will also conduct a physical plant audit and optimise the integrity of plant master data at a Tasmanian Electro Metallurgical Company – its first contract with this firm. SMEC will improve the integrity of plant master data, and support Reliability Engineers to define work strategy scope and deploy work strategies to improve performance gaps.

C. The third contract is for High Voltage (HV) Electrical Planning with one of the world’s premier suppliers of iron ore. The Asset Management team will undertake maintenance planning and scheduling of all HV electrical work associated with non-process infrastructure utilities lineyard, at the client’s mining operations in Western Australia.