Er. Dr. Ang Choon Keat
Founder & Managing Director

Founder & Managing Director
Er. Dr. Ang Choon Keat is a registered Professional Engineer (Civil) and a Specialist Professional Engineer (Protective Security) in Singapore. With two decades of experience in consultancy and project management in the public and private sectors, he leads Prostruct’s team of engineers and consultants in the design consultancy, project management and security & blast design for buildings and infrastructure projects in Singapore and overseas.
Choon Keat has a strong track record in the analysis and design of buildings and infrastructure to resist blast and weapons effects, including safe storage of explosives. He is also highly experienced in performing Security by Design (SBD) studies in accordance to the Singapore authorities’ guidelines and requirements.
Choon Keat actively contributes to the engineering professional community. He was a Council Member of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore and Chairman of the Civil & Structural Engineering Committee. He also frequently contributes to international conferences and speaks to the professional community on protective security engineering.
Choon Keat graduated with a MEng (Civil Engineering) degree from Imperial College, UK. He also holds PhD (Engineering) and MSc (Building Science) degrees from the National University of Singapore, and a MS (Operations Research) degree from Columbia University, USA.