Apr 17, 2018 11:44

Surbana Jurong wins prestigious ACES Design Excellence Award in engineering

ACES Design Excellence Award M&E engineering
Surbana Jurong’s Senior Director of M&E Engineering, Lek Siang Hwa (middle) received the award from the Minister of National Development, Lawrence Wong (left), at the awards ceremony on 22 March.

Surbana Jurong was recognised for its outstanding engineering design and quality recently at the annual ACES (Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore) awards. The Mechanical & Electrical Engineering team from Surbana Jurong earned the ACES Design Excellence Awards 2018 for its work on a high energy efficiency and reliability data centre for a company that supports utility services.

Surbana Jurong wowed the judges with its innovative and high-quality engineering solutions, including systems that regulate the temperature of the equipment, and a predictive maintenance software that improves manpower utilisation and minimises equipment downtime. The solutions led the data centre to exceed the target Power Utilisation Efficiency (PUE) rating set by the client.