Protective Security

Prostruct has a long track record of Security-by-Design Projects. Our Security and Blast Consultants are trained to identify the risks and vulnerabilities of your building and implement security and blast solutions that are catered to your needs.

Our professional services include

  • Security by Design
  • Risk Assessment
  • BEA / SRS

Our comprehensive set of analysis methods and capabilities ensure the safety of the building and the people inside.

  • UFC 3-340-02
  • LS-DYNA Simulation

Analysis Tools

Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) for Structures To Resist The Effects of Accidental Explosions. This document presents design procedures and construction techniques for protective structures.

ConWep is a collection of conventional weapons effects calculations for a range of blast effects from different types of high explosives and weapons.

WINdow Glazing Analysis Response and Design (WINGARD) provides an accurate analytical model of the response of windows to the effects of an explosion.

LS-DYNA is a general purpose finite element program used by various industries to solve complex real world problems. It is a highly non-linear transient dynamic Finite Element Analysis using explicit time integration.